Adding, Inviting, and Uploading/Importing Users

Adding a User Manually

  1. From a browser on your computer, open your Atheer Studio workspace, and sign into your account using your assigned credentials. Upon successful login, you will be presented with the Conversations home page.


  1. From the Atheer Studio toolbar on the left side of the page, click on the Users button, and the Users page will be presented.


  2. To manually add an individual new user, click on the New button and select the Create New menu item.


  3. Fill in the required (*)  fields. Email is not a required field, but having an email associated with the user account is very important-please include an email address if possible. If you wish to require the user to change their password at first login, toggle the Force password change on intitial user login switch. If you wish to automatically send the new user an email notification, toggle the Send Notification switch.  Click Save, and the user will be added to the Users list. 


Inviting Users by Email Address

  1. To invite users by email, click on the New button and select the Invite menu item.


  2. In the Invite Others pop-up, click INVITE NEW MEMBERS button.


  3. In the Invite Team Members pop-up page, you can type in individual email addresses and names of people whom you would like to invite (names are optional). If you run out of lines, click the ADD ANOTHER button to add additional lines to the page.


  4. If you have a large list of email addresses that you would like to add, you can click on the ADD MANY AT ONCE button. On that page, you can type in multiple email addresses. Be sure to separate the email addresses with a comma. Once your list is complete, click the ADD INVITEES button.


  5. When you're all done adding email addresses click the SEND INVITATIONS button.
  6. You will see a new page that confirms that your invitaions have been sent. It will show you a list of all the email addresses sent and give you three options.


    Click the VIEW PENDING INVITES button that will take you to a new page with a list of all the pending invitations. Click on the INVITE MORE PEOPLE button to go back to the Invite Team Members page, or click the DONE button to go back to the main Users page.


Importing Users Using Spreadsheets and CSV files

  1. To import users add an individual new user, click on the New button and select the Upload menu item.


  2. The Upload Users page will appear. You will notice two sections of the page: Upload CSV and Upload EXCEL. You can choose either way to upload users, as the process is the same for both.


  3. Before you upload users, click on the CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE CSV FILE (or CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE EXCEL FILE) button, and download and open the CSV OR EXCEL file.

    NOTE: Using the CSV (or EXCEL) as a template is critical. These template files are perfectly formatted with the proper database table names. If changes are made to the column titles in the first row of the file, the upload will fail. DO NOT change the column titles in the first row of the file.

  4. Download and open the CSV (or EXCEL) file, and you will notice that Row 1 has the database table names and that there is sample data in rows 2 and on. DO NOT change the data in Row 1.

  5. Review the sample data in rows 2 and beyond to get an understanding of how to add your own data. Once you are comfortable with the format, clear the data out of rows 2 and beyond.

  6. Type in the user information that you would like to upload, and save the file.

    NOTE: Login, First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, and Password are required fields, and data for those fields must be included for each user.

  7. Save the file to your computer.

  8. Go back to Atheer Studio > Users > New > Upload.


  9. Click on the Select CSV to Upload or Select EXCEL to Upload (depending on which template you chose).


  10. In the upload utility, under the My Device page, path to the file on your computer by clicking the file button in the middle of the screen. You can also drag the file onto the upload area.

    NOTE: You can also directly upload files from Google Drive, Box, and Microsoft One-drive. Simply select one of those option buttons, and sign into your account. Once there, you can path to the file.

  11. Once you select the file, it will automatically upload, roll through a couple screens, and present the conformation screen where you can choose to upload more files if you wish. Once you have uploaded all your files, click the CONTINUE button.


  12. When the files have been processed, you will get the Import Completed screed confirming the number of records that have been imported. Click on the CONTINUE button.

  13. You will be returned to the Users page.


  14. If you have a long list of users, you can search for users by clicking on the (search) button on the top right corner of the page and entering the user’s first and/or last name.


  15. To review the user account and/or add additional information to the user record, you will need to click on the   (edit) button to the right of the user’s name.


  16. The user’s profile page will default to the Overview tab where you can add an avatar image for the user, as well as generate the LINK DEVICE temporary, secure QR code.


  17. Feel free to explore the other tabs under the user’s profile page and add additional information.
  1. About: You can confirm what was entered when the account was created or  imported by the upload process. There are additional fields of interest such as Preferred name, Phone Number, Job Title, Job Roll, Division, Department, and others.
  2. Password: You can change a user’s password.
  3. Library: You can see the articles that the selected user has bookmarked, shared, liked, and uploaded.
  4. AiRSessions: You can see recordings of the AiRSessions that the selected user has attended.
  5. Security Roles: You can see and modify the list of Security Roles that the selected user has been assigned.
  6. Audience: You can see a list of Audiences that the selected user has been assigned.
  7. Work Experience: You can view and modify a list of jobs that the selected user has been working while at the company (an internal resume/CV of sorts). This field can be used to assign users to relevant audiences.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to our customer success team right here.

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