Creating Visual Work Instructions using AiRForms


Creating AiRForms

  1. From a browser on your computer, open your Atheer Studio workspace, and sign into your account using your assigned credentials. Upon successful login, you will be presented with the Conversations home page.

  1. From the Atheer Studio toolbar on the left side of the page, click on the  (AiRForms) button, and the AiRForms page will be presented.


  2. By default, the Category “All” is selected. If you would like to filter the list of AiRForms, pull down the Status menu and modify the presented list by desired status.



NOTE: Not checking any of the checkboxs puts the page into All mode, and you will see all of the AiRForms in the system that have not been deleted.

  1. To create a new AiRForm,  click the NEW button on the top right corner of the page.


  2. In the Create AiRForm pop-up, select the Category for your  AiRForm.

NOTE: The Categories are for filtering the view of your AiRForms on the list view. The steps and options available to your AiRForms are not dependent on which Category you select. (See Managing Categories section below for more information.)

  1. Select a Category, then type in a name for your AiRForm, and then click the CREATE button.

  2. Confirm the Category and type in a Description, and click the CONTINUE button.


  3. To select the proper audience for your AiRForm, click the ADD button.


  4. Check the checkbox(s) of the Audience(s) to which you want to assign this AiRForm, and click the DONE button.

    NOTE: If your list of Audiences goes beyond 1 page, you can use the navigation tool on the bottom right corner of the pane, or use the search field to search for your Audience(s).b

  5. Click the CONTINUE button.


  6. (OPTIONAL) To add an attachment of some of the existing Content that resides in the Content section, click the Add button.

    NOTE: Attachments are the Content that is available for you to view. If you wish to attach a .PDF file, for example, you need to create a Content that is the .PDF file and then attach it.


  7. Check the checkbox(s) of the Content to which you want to assign this AiRForm, and click the DONE button.


    NOTE: If your list of Content goes beyond 1 page, you can use the navigation tool on the bottom right corner of the pane, or use the search field to search for your Audience(s).

AiRForm Sections and Steps


Sections are step separators. They appear in the AiRForm on the Atheer Lens app as a label above the steps in the list. You can see in the Atheer Lens screenshots below that the Section, PREFLIGHT, is listed directly above the step name, Control Lock, and the Section PRE-START is listed directly above the step Seatbelts and Harnesses. Front line workers can tell that they are in different sections, because the section title changes. There is no pause on the app or check step between sections. The AiRForm steps simply flow from one to the next regardless of transitions between sections.



Sections also do a great job of keeping the AiRForm Steps separated and organized for authors within the AiRForm build page. You can see how the use of the PRE_START section in the screenshot below keeps the steps organized and separated from the steps in other Sections.


You can click on, lift, and drag/move around any of the Sections or Steps in the list view.

Plan your AiRForm Sections and Steps well, and then implement them in the AiRForm build page. To add a Section, click the Add Section button at the bottom left corner of the page.

Follow the steps below to add Sections to your AiRForm:

  1. Click on the Add Section button at the bottom left corner of the page.


  2. In the Section configuration page, type the name of your Section. Best Practice is to use all caps on Section names, so they are easily discriminated from the Step names.

  3. As you type in the name of the Section, the name is immediately listed on the list area of the AiRForm build page. You can click on the Add Step button or any other function to navigate away from the Section configuration page.


Steps are the actual tasks being completed within the AiRForm. There are 19 different step types from which to choose. Follow the steps below to add Steps to your AiRForm:

  1. When you click the Add Step button at the bottom left corner of the page, a list of 19 pre-written steps will appear to the right. Select which of the 19 step types you wish to implement.


  2. Once you select a Step, the Step configuration page will appear. Type in the details of your step.


  • The Step configuration page will vary based on the different Step types selected.
  • You can add as many Steps and Sections as you need for your AiRForm.
  • The Step title appears below the Section title.
  • The Step Description, if included, appears within the body of the step and can be used to further describe the details of the Step or add additional information to the Step for the user to view before completing the Step.

  1. As you type in the title of the Step, the title is immediately listed on the list area of the AiRForm build page. You can click on the Add Step button or any other function to navigate away from the current Step configuration page.

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