Creating Content
Atheer Studio has a built-in content management system that can be used to present content directly to the front line workers using the Atheer Lens app. With content formats such as videos, articles, podcasts, etc., and a topic hierarchy in which to organize them, the content can be a powerful tool to support the front line workers.
- From a browser on your computer, open your Atheer Studio workspace, and sign into your account using your assigned credentials. Upon successful login, you will be presented with the Conversations home page.
- From the Atheer Studio toolbar on the left side of the page, click on the
(Content) button, and the Content page will be presented. To create new content, click the NEW button on the top right corner of the page.
- There are 8 formats of content that you can create (Videos, Podcasts, Documents, Images, Articles, Posted Web Pages, Announcements, and Did You Knows). You can scroll down the menu listing to reveal the entire list.
Content Tools and Widgets
As you go through the process of creating content, you will discover that there is a common set of tools and widgets available. Once you learn how to use these tools and widgets, you will be able to create content using any of the 8 formats.
Here is a description of the different tools and widgets available:
The file upload utility gives you the ability to upload files into Atheer Studio and present them as content. You have the option of browsing for files on your computer (the SELECT ... FILE TO UPLOAD button), or you can sign into your Google Drive, box, or OneDrive cloud accounts and upload files from them.
- The title is the name of the content that the Atheer Lens users will see. It is typically automatically populated by the name of the file you upload or connect to from the Web.
- This file name can, and probably should, be edited to match your content naming convention so that the users of Atheer Lens can easily identify what the content is about.
- The primary use of the description is for the Authors and Administrators using Atheer Studio to recognize what the content is referencing without having to read through it or watch the video.
- The description is not available to users on the Atheer Lens app.
The Use Existing URL button allows you to link to an existing video that is hosted by a video streaming service. Simply paste the URL from the streaming services’ web page that is hosting the video onto the URL line in the Use Existing URL From pop-up.
The Or Use Embed Code button in the Upload Video function allows you to paste the embedded code of a streaming video (provided by the streaming site) to embed the video into your Atheer Content.
Copy the embed code provided by the streaming site and paste it into the Embed Code line of the Use Embed Code pop-up.
Copy the embedded code from the service. Past it into the Embed Code
The WYSIWYG editor is a standard HTML editor that will allow you to create articles directly in the system. This editor contains a practical set of editing tools that can be used throughout the editing of your article.
The editor also has the (edit using HTML) button. When you use this button, the article can be written in HTML.
You can copy the URL from any publicly available web page and paste it onto the URL line in the Provide link below to start with
Editing Your Content
Once Content is saved, you can go back in by clicking the (Edit) button on the content list page. You will be presented with the Content Settings page. This page is broken down into three distinct sections
- Content Header
- Content Details
- Content Viewer/Player
Of course, with each type of Content (Videos, Podcasts, Documents, Images, Articles, Posted Web Pages, Announcements, and Did You Knows), the presentation of the Content settings page will be slightly different, but the tools and the settings are rather consistent in their functionality.
This section will show you:
- The published Title of the Content
- The Settings and Insights tabs where you can tab between this page and the Insights (reports) page
- The SAVE button where you can save edits you make to the Content Details Section
- The
(Share) button where you will be presented with a pop-up that will allow you to select Users and/or Audiences on the system with whom you can directly share the content.
By clicking the(search) button, you can share this content with individual users or audiences. You can also type in your reason for sharing the content.
In this section you can edit the Content Title and Description. You can also add or change the following Settings:
- URL: Pre-populated from the URL of the streaming service video or a web page of a linked article used as Content)
- Link Button Text: The mouse-over text for a link button
- Author: A text field where you can note the name of the author of the content
- Owner (optional): Sets the Audience(s) of users who are “Experts” in the subject around which the content is written.
- Scheduling: The Available From and Discontinue From dates for the content
- Settings:
- Enabled: Sets whether or not the article enabled
- Duration (optional): Sets the Duration (in minutes) that the average person would take to read the article
- Visible To: Sets which Users/Audiences are able to view the Content
- Tags: Search tags for the content (sometimes pre-populated from the tags that are set on a streaming service video or a web page that is used as Content).
- Topics: The topics to which the Content is assigned
- Design Options: Text (font) color options for Announcements and Did You Know Content
- Thumbnail: A small picture to use for a visual reference for the Content (sometimes pre-populated from the thumbnail that is used on a streaming service video)
In this section, you can view or play the Content. In the case of Article Content, you can also modify the text in the HTML editor.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to our customer success team right here.